In The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World
, Eric Weiner wonders: What if you
lived in a country that was fabulously wealthy and no one paid taxes? What if
you lived in a country where failure is an option? What if you lived in a
country so democratic that you voted seven times a year? What if you lived in a
country where excessive thinking is discouraged? Would you be happy then?
can you measure happiness?
is a feeling, a mood, an outlook on life. Happiness can’t be measured. Or can
at the University
of Iowa have identified
the regions of the brain associated with good and bad moods. They do this by
hooking up research subjects (college students in need of quick cash) to MRI
machines and then showing them a series of pictures. When they show people
pleasant pictures—bucolic landscapes, dolphins prefrontal lobe are
playing—parts of the activated. When they show unpleasant images—a bird covered
in oil, a dead soldier with parts of his face missing—the more primitive parts
of the brain light up.
feelings, in other words, register in the regions of the brain that have
evolved most recently. It raises an intriguing question: Are we, in
evolutionary if not personal terms, slouching toward happiness?”
people should be happier than others…for happiness researchers
“It must be wonderful working in the field of happiness studies.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you must have an abiding faith in mankind’s capacity for happiness.”
“No, not really.”
“But you’ve been studying happiness, analyzing it your entire life.”
“Yes, but it doesn’t matter to me if people are happy or not, as long as some
people are happier than others. I can still crunch the numbers.”
crime rate
study found that, of all the factors that affect the crime rate for a given
area, the one that made the biggest difference was not the number of police
patrols or anything like that but, rather, how many people you know within a
fifteen-minute walk of your house.”
happiest places don’t necessarily fit our preconceived notions
“Extroverts are happier than introverts;
optimists are happier than pessimists; married people are happier than singles,
though people with children are no happier than childless couples; Republicans
are happier than Democrats; people who attend religious services are happier
than those who do not; people with college degrees are happier than those
without, though people with advanced degrees are less happy than those with
just a BA; people with an active sex life are happier than those without; women
and men are equally happy, though women have a wider emotional range; having an
affair will make you happy but will not compensate for the massive loss of
happiness that you will incur when your spouse finds out and leaves you; people
are least happy when they’re commuting to work; busy people are happier than
those with too little to do; wealthy people are happier than poor ones, but
only slightly. So what should we do with these findings? Get married but don’t
have kids? Start going to church regularly? Drop out of that PhD program? Not
so fast.
happiest places, he explains, don’t necessarily fit our preconceived notions.
Some of the happiest countries in the world—Iceland
and Denmark ,
for instance—are homogeneous, shattering the American belief that there is
strength, and happiness, in diversity. One finding, which Veenhoven just
uncovered, has made him very unpopular with his fellow sociologists. He found
that income distribution does not predict happiness. Countries with wide gaps
between the rich and poor are no less happy than countries where the wealth is
distributed more equally.”
and Democracy
researcher, a Swiss economist named Bruno Frey, examined the relationship
between democracy and happiness across Switzerland ’s twenty-six cantons.
He found that the cantons with the greatest number of referendums, the most
democracy, were also the happiest. Even foreigners living in those cantons were
happier, though they couldn’t vote.”
an inspirational novel about the courage to be oneself
a thought-provoking novel about infatuation.
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