Topics Meaning

BE WATER, my friend~ Moving down the river of life, one can either flow or be shipwrecked. It depends on you.

Bon Mots~ Witticisms, witty repartees.

COME FLY WITH ME~ Let’s imagine, dream, fantasize, invent, picture, visualize, pine, and, of course, fly. Why not?

HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY~ So you want to be a writer, huh? You're lucky: No admission test. 'You are either magical or you are not." Take the Howarts Express and welcome to the School of Magic for witches and wizards.

HOUSTON, We have a PROBLEM~ Nobody can avoid the rocks and stones in their path, but can walk through them as best as they can.

INTERLUDE~ Between acts, Silence.

Shining Shoes~ Corporate squadron willing to die on behalf of the Supreme. Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant.

SHOW ME THE MONEY~ Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…Yes, right, whatever… but show me the money!

SPACE-TIME coin~ Toss the coin right here, right now.

StAy HunGRy, sTay FooLISH~ Living life fully, following only our hearts, without forgetting to play as if we were children.
VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO~ True heroes either forgotten or misinterpreted by the masses.

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